
【Daily Bread】Remember the Cross 十架真谛

The cross of Christ reveals our sin at its worst and God’s love at its best.


“Surely this man was the Son of God!” Mark 15:39


In the church I attend, a large cross stands at the front of the sanctuary. It represents the original cross where Jesus died—the place where our sin intersected with His holiness. There God allowed His perfect Son to die for the sake of every wrong thing we have ever done, said, or thought. On the cross, Jesus finished the work that was required to save us from the death we deserve (Rom. 6:23).

在我们教会讲台的后方,有一个巨大的十字架,象征耶稣为我们钉死,以祂的圣洁代替我们的罪恶。上帝让祂完美无瑕的独生子被钉死在十字架上,亲自承担我们所做的、所说的、所想的每一件错事。在十架上,耶稣完成了救赎大功,代替我们死,接受罪的惩罚(罗马书6章23节) 。

The sight of a cross causes me to consider what Jesus endured for us. Before being crucified, He was flogged and spit on. The soldiers hit Him in the head with sticks and got down on their knees in mock worship. They tried to make Him carry His own cross to the place where He would die, but He was too weak from the brutal flogging. At Golgotha, they hammered nails through His flesh to keep Him on the cross when they turned it upright. Those wounds bore the weight of His body as He hung there. Six hours later, Jesus took His final breath (Mark 15:37). A centurion who witnessed Jesus’s death declared, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” (v. 39).


The next time you see the symbol of the cross, consider what it means to you. God’s Son suffered and died there and then rose again to make eternal life possible.


Dear Jesus, I can’t begin to thank You enough for taking care of my sin when You died on the cross. I acknowledge Your sacrifice, and I believe in the power of Your resurrection.


Mark 15:19-20New International Version (NIV)

19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. 20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him.


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