
【Daily Bread】Made Clean 使人洁净

The Lord makes us clean.


I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Ezekiel 36:25


When I opened our dishwasher, I wondered what went wrong. Instead of seeing sparkling clean dishes, I removed plates and glasses that were covered in a chalky dust. I wondered if the hard water in our area was wreaking havoc, or if the machine was broken.


God’s cleansing, unlike that faulty dishwasher, washes away all of our impurities. We see in the book of Ezekiel that God is calling His people back to Himself as Ezekiel shared God’s message of love and forgiveness. The Israelites had sinned as they proclaimed their allegiance to other gods and other nations. The Lord, however, was merciful in welcoming them back to Himself. He promised to cleanse them “from all [their] impurities and all [their] idols” (36:25). As He put His Spirit in them (v. 27), He would bring them to a place of fruitfulness, not famine (v. 30).


As in the days of the prophet Ezekiel, today the Lord welcomes us back to Him if we go astray. When we submit ourselves to His will and His ways, He transforms us as He washes us clean from our sins. With His Holy Spirit dwelling within us, He helps us to follow Him day by day.


Lord God, the feeling of being cleansed and forgiven is like no other. Thank You for transforming me into a new person. Teach me to submit to You daily that I might grow more and more closely into the likeness of Jesus.


Ezekiel 36:24-32New International Version (NIV)

24 “‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 28 Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God. 29 I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will call for the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon you. 30 I will increase the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field, so that you will no longer suffer disgrace among the nations because of famine.31 Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices. 32 I want you to know that I am not doing this for your sake, declares the Sovereign Lord. Be ashamed and disgraced for your conduct, people of Israel!

以西结书 36:24-32Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified) (CUVMPS)

24 我必从各国收取你们,从列邦聚集你们,引导你们归回本地。 25 我必用清水洒在你们身上,你们就洁净了。我要洁净你们,使你们脱离一切的污秽,弃掉一切的偶像。


26 ‘我也要赐给你们一个新心,将新灵放在你们里面,又从你们的肉体中除掉石心,赐给你们肉心。 27 我必将我的灵放在你们里面,使你们顺从我的律例,谨守遵行我的典章。 28 你们必住在我所赐给你们列祖之地,你们要做我的子民,我要做你们的神。 29 我必救你们脱离一切的污秽,也必命五谷丰登,不使你们遭遇饥荒。 30 我必使树木多结果子,田地多出土产,好叫你们不再因饥荒受外邦人的讥诮。 31 那时,你们必追想你们的恶行和你们不善的作为,就因你们的罪孽和可憎的事厌恶自己。

32 ‘主耶和华说:你们要知道,我这样行不是为你们。以色列家啊,当为自己的行为抱愧蒙羞!


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