
【Daily Bread】 The Day I Couldn’t Pray 当我无法祷告

Read: Romans 8:22–26 | Bible in a Year: Isaiah 5–6; Ephesians 1

阅读: 罗马书章-节 | 全年读经进度: 以赛亚书5-6章;以弗所书1章

God never leaves the voices of His children unheard.


The Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26


In November 2015, I learned I needed open-heart surgery. Surprised and a little shaken, I was naturally drawn to think about the possibility of death. Were there relationships I needed to mend? Were there financial matters I needed to attend to for my family? Was there work that could be done ahead of time? And what about work that couldn’t wait; who should I hand that off to? It was a time to both act and pray.


Except I couldn’t do either.My body was so weary and my mind so fatigued that even the simplest of tasks seemed beyond my strength. Perhaps most surprising, when I tried to pray, my thoughts would drift to the discomfort, or the shallow breathing caused by the damaged heart made me fall asleep. It was frustrating. I couldn’t work and I couldn’t even ask God to let me live so I could spend more time with my family!


The inability to pray troubled me most. But as with all other human needs, the Creator knew this was happening to me. I would eventually recall He made two preparations for such occurrences: the prayer of the Spirit for us when we can’t pray (Rom. 8:26), and the prayer of others on our behalf (James 5:16; Gal. 6:2).

无法祷告最令我担心,然而,造物主既深知我们一切所需,祂也明了我经历的苦难。那一刻我终于领悟到,祂早已为了这样的情况,在你我的生命中作了两项预备:当我们无法祷告,圣灵亲自替我们祷告(罗马书8章26节);祂也预备了其他人为我们代求(雅各书5章16节;加拉太书6章2节) 。

What a comfort it was to know that the Holy Spirit was even then raising my concerns before the Father. What a gift also to hear from friends and family as they prayed for me. Then came another surprise: As my friends and family asked me what to pray for, it became clear that my answers to them were also being heard by God as prayers. 


What a gift it is in a time of uncertainty to be reminded God hears our heart even when we think we can’t call out to Him.



Anyone who has traveled to a foreign country can understand the value of a good translator. Someone who is familiar with our language and that of the country we are visiting knows how to choose just the right words to communicate clearly.

Have you ever been in a situation so perplexing you didn’t know the right words to use when you prayed? Because of our limited perspective and the distraction of our sinful inclinations we can sometimes struggle with prayer. Yet God the Holy Spirit is our intercessor. He groans with our concerns as He Himself makes our prayers conform to the will of God. It’s a comfort that the Holy Spirit knows our own limitations and weaknesses and translates our requests to God in conformity with His will. 

In what ways does understanding the intercession of the Holy Spirit comfort you when you find it hard to pray?





??Romans? ?8:22-26? ?NIV??

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”


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