
【Daily Bread】Enough 充足有余

An offering given in faithful obedience is just right.


They ate and had some left over, according to the word of the . 2 Kings 4:44


When my husband and I were first asked to host a small group in our home, my immediate reaction was to decline. I felt inadequate. We didn’t have seats for everyone; our home was small and couldn’t hold many people. I didn’t know whether we had the skills to facilitate the discussion. I worried that I’d be asked to prepare food, something for which I lacked both passion and funds. I didn’t feel like we had “enough” to do it. I didn’t feel I was “enough” to do it. But we wanted to give to God and our community, so despite our fears, we agreed. Over the next five years we found great joy in welcoming the group into our living room.


I observe similar reluctance and doubt in the man who brought bread to God’s servant, Elisha. Elisha had instructed him to give it to the people, but the man questioned whether twenty loaves could feed so many—one hundred men. He seems to have been tempted to withhold the food because—in his human understanding—it wouldn’t be sufficient. Yet it was more than enough (2 Kings 4:44), because God took his gift, given in obedience, and made it enough.


When we feel inadequate, or think what we have to offer isn’t sufficient, let’s remember that God asks us to give what we have in faithful obedience. He is the one who makes it “enough.”


Lord, when I fear what I have to give is insufficient, 

help me to give to You anyway and

 trust You to make it “enough.”




We may wonder about the purpose of the miracle recorded in today’s passage. It becomes a little clearer when we back up a few verses. In verses 38–41 Elisha had performed another food miracle where he made a pot of poisonous stew safe to eat. Because there was a famine in the land, the provision of food would have been one of the top concerns of the people. So both of these miracles—the curing of the poisonous stew and 20 loaves of bread feeding 100 people—are signs of God’s provision. It is interesting to note two key phrases in verses 43 and 44 that address the doubts of Elisha’s servant: “this is what the  says” and “according to the word of the .” The power of the Lord is what provides when we have little or nothing to offer.  

Reflect on a time when your resources were inadequate. How did God provide?

J.R. Hudberg




2 Kings 4:42-44New International Version (NIV)

Feeding of a Hundred

42 A man came from Baal Shalishah, bringing the man of God twenty loaves of barley bread baked from the first ripe grain, along with some heads of new grain. “Give it to the people to eat,” Elisha said.

43 “How can I set this before a hundred men?” his servant asked.

But Elisha answered, “Give it to the people to eat. For this is what the Lord says: ‘They will eat and have some left over.’” 44 Then he set it before them, and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the Lord.

列王纪下 4:42-44Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified) (CUVMPS)


42 有一个人从巴力沙利沙来,带着初熟大麦做的饼二十个并新穗子,装在口袋里送给神人。神人说:“把这些给众人吃。” 43 仆人说:“这一点岂可摆给一百人吃呢?”以利沙说:“你只管给众人吃吧,因为耶和华如此说:‘众人必吃了,还剩下。’”44 仆人就摆在众人面前。他们吃了,果然还剩下,正如耶和华所说的。


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