God is our best defense against criticism.
Hear us, our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads. Nehemiah 4:4
I work with a team to put on an annual community event. We spend eleven months plotting many details to ensure the event’s success. We choose the date and venue. We set ticket prices. We select everything from food vendors to sound technicians. As the event approaches, we answer public questions and provide directions. Afterward we collect feedback. Some good. Some that is hard to hear. Our team hears excitement from attendees and also fields complaints. The negative feedback can be discouraging and sometimes tempts us to give up.
Nehemiah had critics too as he led a team to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. They actually mocked Nehemiah and those working alongside him saying, “Even a fox climbing up on it would break down [your] wall of stones” (Nehemiah 4:3). His response to the critics helps me handle my own: Instead of feeling dejected or trying to refute their comments, he turned to God for help. Instead of responding directly, he asked God to hear the way His people were being treated and to defend them (v. 4). After entrusting those concerns to God, he and his co-laborers continued to work steadily on the wall “with all their heart” (v. 6).
We can learn from Nehemiah not to be distracted by criticism of our work. When we’re criticized or mocked, instead of responding to our critics out of hurt or anger, we can prayerfully ask God to defend us from discouragement so we can continue with a whole heart.
Thank Lord for hearing our discouragement and being our defender.Help us to evaluate the good and bad in the criticism, to trust You, and to continue in our work wholeheartedly.
Nehemiah 4:1-6 NIV
4 When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews, 2 and in the presence of his associates and the army of Samaria, he said, “What are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day? Can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble—burned as they are?” 3 Tobiah the Ammonite, who was at his side, said, “What they are building—even a fox climbing up on it would break down their wall of stones!” 4 Hear us, our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads. Give them over as plunder in a land of captivity. 5 Do not cover up their guilt or blot out their sins from your sight, for they have thrown insults in the face of the builders. 6 So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart.
尼希米记 4:1-6
4 参巴拉听见我们修造城墙就发怒,大大恼恨,嗤笑犹大人,2 对他弟兄和撒马利亚的军兵说:“这些软弱的犹大人做什么呢?要保护自己吗?要献祭吗?要一日成功吗?要从土堆里拿出火烧的石头再立墙吗?”3 亚扪人多比雅站在旁边,说:“他们所修造的石墙,就是狐狸上去也必跐倒。”4 我们的神啊,求你垂听,因为我们被藐视。求你使他们的毁谤归于他们的头上,使他们在掳到之地作为掠物。5 不要遮掩他们的罪孽,不要使他们的罪恶从你面前涂抹,因为他们在修造的人眼前惹动你的怒气。6 这样,我们修造城墙,城墙就都连络,高至一半,因为百姓专心做工。
Have you noticed how criticism seems so justified when we give it—but so wrong when we receive it?
As Jewish families returned to their homeland after seventy years of exile in Babylon, they faced strong criticism. Current residents believed it was in their own interest to resist the returning exiles. They saw the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls as a threat to their own homes and families.
Just as understandably, Nehemiah and his friends felt they had a God-given right to regard as enemies those who opposed their effort to rebuild Jerusalem’s broken-down walls (Nehemiah 4:4).
Nehemiah’s courageous prayer of faith is a chapter in a bigger story that leads us to even higher ground. Many years later, by His own example, Jesus calls all people on both sides of conflict to find security in more than walls of self-interest. He taught all of us to pray for those who abuse us and to bless those who curse us (Matthew 5:9–12, 44). In His kingdom, it’s a heart of mercy that Christ desires.
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