
【Daily Bread】Hope Is Our Strategy 盼望为上策

What does it take to maintain hope in harsh times? Watching. Waiting. Praying. Remembering.


But as for me, I watch in hope for the , I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. Micah 7:7


My favorite football team has lost eight consecutive games as I write this. With each loss, it’s harder to hope this season can be redeemed for them. The coach has made changes weekly, but they haven’t resulted in wins. Talking with my coworkers, I’ve joked that merely wanting a different outcome can’t guarantee it. “Hope is not a strategy,” I’ve quipped.


That’s true in football. But in our spiritual lives, it’s just the opposite. Not only is cultivating hope in God a strategy, but clinging to Him in faith and trust is theonly strategy. This world often disappoints us, but hope can anchor us in God’s truth and power during the turbulent times.


Micah understood this reality. He was heartbroken by how Israel had turned away from God. “What misery is mine! . . . The faithful have been swept from the land; not one upright person remains” (7:1–2). But then he refocused on his true hope: “But as for me, I watch in hope for the , I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me” (v. 7).


What does it take to maintain hope in harsh times? Micah shows us: Watching. Waiting. Praying. Remembering. God hears our cries even when our circumstances are overwhelming. In these moments, clinging to and acting in response to our hope in God is our strategy, the only strategy that will help us weather life’s storms.


Father, You’ve promised to be an anchor for our hearts when circumstances look discouraging. Help us call out to You in faith and hope, believing that You hear our hearts’ cries.


Micah 7:1-7    NIV

What misery is mine! I am like one who gathers summer fruit at the gleaning of the vineyard;there is no cluster of grapes to eat,none of the early figs that I crave. 2 The faithful have been swept from the land;not one upright person remains.Everyone lies in wait to shed blood;they hunt each other with nets. Both hands are skilled in doing evil;the ruler demands gifts,the judge accepts bribes,the powerful dictate what they desire—they all conspire together. 4 The best of them is like a brier,the most upright worse than a thorn hedge.The day God visits you has come,the day your watchmen sound the alarm.Now is the time of your confusion. 5 Do not trust a neighbor;put no confidence in a friend.Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips. 6 For a son dishonors his father,a daughter rises up against her mother,a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies are the members of his own household. 7 But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,I wait for God my Savior;my God will hear me.

弥迦书 7:1-7 

哀哉!我好像夏天的果子已被收尽,又像摘了葡萄所剩下的,没有一挂可吃的,我心羡慕初熟的无花果。 2 地上虔诚人灭尽,世间没有正直人。各人埋伏要杀人流血,都用网罗猎取弟兄。他们双手作恶,君王徇情面,审判官要贿赂,位分大的吐出恶意,都彼此结联行恶。 4 他们最好的不过是蒺藜,最正直的不过是荆棘篱笆。你守望者说降罚的日子已经来到,他们必扰乱不安。5 不要倚赖邻舍,不要信靠密友,要守住你的口,不要向你怀中的妻提说。 6 因为儿子藐视父亲,女儿抗拒母亲,媳妇抗拒婆婆,人的仇敌就是自己家里的人。7 至于我,我要仰望耶和华,要等候那救我的神,我的神必应允我。



Micah prophesied some sixty-five years to Israel and Judah during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (Micah 1:1). He was a contemporary with Hosea, who prophesied to Israel (Hosea 1:1), and to Isaiah, who prophesied to Judah (Isaiah 1:1). Accusing God’s people of idolatry, moral corruption, oppression (Micah 1:7; 2:1–2; 3:9–11), Micah warned of God’s discipline. He called the people “to act justly and to love mercy” (6:8). His prophesy that Israel would be destroyed (1:6) came to pass in 722  (2 Kings 17:5–7). Micah also warned that “[Judah] will become a heap of rubble” (Micah 3:12). Because Hezekiah, the king of Judah, repented, Jerusalem was spared destruction from the invading Assyrians (2 Chronicles 32:20–22; Jeremiah 26:18–19).



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